Serial 422
Serialtest is the world’s leading serial protocol analyzer. Serialtest has been tried, tested and trusted worldwide for over 20 years in a wide range of industries.
Introduction to RS-422: serial data standard RS422 provides much higher data speeds than RS232 as a result of the differential signal and other techniques used Serial Data Transmission Includes: Common standards: RS422 was introduced to enable higher data rates to be transferred over serial data lines than was possible with RS232. RS422 is able to provide data rates of up to 10 Mbps at distances up to 50 feet (15.24 metres). However using reduced data rates, RS422 is able to transmit data over distances of 4000 feet (~1220 metres): the maximum is 100 kbps at this distance. The key reason why RS422 is able to achieve these improvements results from the use of differential or balanced transmission techniques. RS422 uses both differential transmitters and receivers which means that it is much more resilient to common mode interference, a key issue with long lines. Lower voltage line levels are used for RS422: A space is represented by a line voltage level in the band between +2 and +6 volts while a mark is represented by a voltage in the range -2 to -6 volts.
Nada Surf The Stars Are Indifferent To Astronomy Rapidshare Movies. The range between +2 and -2 volts provides a good noise margin for the system. Additionally the RS422 standard allows for line impedances down to 50 ohms while supporting the high data rates.
To enable the differential driver to be used, the RS-422 standard uses a four conductor cable. Additionally up to ten receivers can be placed on a single cable, providing a multi-point network or bus. Although RS422 is significantly different to RS232, it can often be used as a direct interface in many instances.
RS422 was designed for greater distances and higher Baud rates than RS232. In its simplest form, a pair of converters from RS232 to RS422 (and back again) can be used to form an 'RS232 extension cord.'
Data rates of up to 100K bits / second and distances up to 4000 Ft. Can be accommodated with RS422.
RS422 is also specified for multi-drop (party-line) applications where only one driver is connected to, and transmits on, a 'bus' of up to 10 receivers. Both RS-422 and RS-485 use a twisted-pair wire (i.e. 2 wires) for each signal.