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Prepare Now for 2017 Offseason and 2018 Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Season Ohio EPA offered outreach in the form of a webinar on October 19, 2017 to Public Water Systems (PWSs) outlining key changes for the 2017-2018 Offseason as well as the 2018 Season. The information was captured in a recorded webinar.
View the, and for details. OH7700011 AKRON CITY PWS 2A 2 OH7600011 ALLIANCE CITY PWS 2A 2 OH0400711 AQUA OHIO - ASHTABULA 2B 2 OH4400803 AQUA OHIO - LAWRENCE COUNTY See below** See below** OH5100414 AQUA OHIO - MARION 2B 2 OH7802711 AQUA OHIO - MASURY See below** See below** OH6835203 AQUA OHIO - PREBLE See below** See below** OH5001611 AQUA OHIO - STRUTHERS 1A 1 OH7400614 AQUA OHIO - TIFFIN 2A 2 OH4301511 AQUA OHIO INC - MENTOR 2B 2 OH2600011 ARCHBOLD VILLAGE 2B 2 OH7400011 ATTICA VILLAGE 2B 2 OH4700311 AVON LAKE CITY PWS 2B 2 OH7700411 BARBERTON CITY 2A 2 OH0700011 BARNESVILLE 2A 2 Page 1 of 8 First Previous [1]. *Wellston South Plant is eligible for Schedule 3. **Out-of-State purchased water plant, required to collect a minimum of one finished water sample biweekly analyzed for total microcystins beginning the week of Oct.
29, 2017 per (OAC 3745-90-03) *** Columbus Hap Cremean Plant is Schedule 2A, Dublin Road Plant is 2B All PWS that are eligible for qPCR only sampling will begin the week of Oct. Please contact your district coordinator if you are unsure. If there are any changes to the 2018 Seasonal schedule, Ohio EPA will contact the Public Water System. Cyanobacteria (also known as blue-green algae) are microscopic organisms found naturally in surface water that can sometimes multiply to form harmful algal blooms (HABs). HABs can potentially produce toxins capable of causing illness or irritation, sometimes even death, in pets, livestock and humans.
In addition to producing toxins, cyanobacteria can pose other treatment challenges for public water systems, including taste and odor and shortened filter run times. The information below is provided to assist public water system operators with preventing, identifying and responding to HABs. Prince Rare Albums. Prevention and Treatment • • • • HAB Maps and Strategy • — Cyanotoxin monitoring in Ohio. • — Current Advisories for Ohio Public Water Systems • — Ohio conducts a monitoring and notification program of selected public and semi-private beaches to test the water quality and notify the public whenever bacteria levels present a potential health risk to those engaged in water activities.