Pl Sql Developer Oracle Client Not Properly Installed Oraclehomekey
I am new to Oracle, I am starting to work on my first project. I have installed Oracle Client ora11 and pl/sql. I have set tns names files under network/admin(tns names file is ok, I copied it from a colleague). Whwn I start pl/sql I got: Initialization Error, SQL*NET not properly installed.
Oct 24, 2014. When trying to login to PLSQL developer,After fresh installing 64Bit Clint in windows 64bit. Getting below error. Initialization error SQL*Net not properly installed OracleHomeKey: OracleHomeDir: Solution: Try installing 32Bit Oracle Client where oracle home and oracle base should be out side of admin. Apr 15, 2011. Electronic Chess Board Free. You need to have SQL*Net installed in order to connect PL/SQL Dev to Oracle. SQL*Net is installed by default with most Oracle DB products (Oracle client for example). Since PL/SQL dev is a Windows app, you can see what Oracle products you have installed by looking into the registry.
I already searched a lor for this issue. Warren Matthews World Religions 7Th Edition Pdf. The solution is to set the home directory and oci.dll on preferences. I did it already and nothing changed.
I verified on registry, the home directory is set to C: app myname product 11.2.0 client_1. The oracle name is OraClient11g_home2. I tried to put these two values and did not work. I have the same directory also on c: oracle. And also tried to put this path, no results.
Dictionnaire Encyclopedique Du Judaisme Pdf File. If anyone have any idea what else could be the problem, I will be thankfull.