Job-specific Language Learning Programs

Farpoint Spread 8 Serial Number on this page. Screenshot Free Download For Nokia C3. My efforts to develop a curriculum for protection and control that would be more useful to our workplace students than the job-specific language cordonlum I had been trained to. I learned that there were established workplace ESL programs that had been working with a curriculum for protection and control for a long time. Did you know you can take an online self-assessment language test before you arrive in Canada? This can give you an idea of your language level. The results of the.

Job-specific Language Learning Programs

Search • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Language Training English as an Additional Language (EAL) classes are available for adults who want to learn English or who need extra help improving their language abilities. You will find many places that offer classes in EAL. You can be assessed in metro Halifax by the, which is provided. Chibi Vampire Sims 3 on this page. Outside of metro Halifax, the provides CLB assessment. After your assessment, they will help you choose a language school or nearest program.

LASNS: (902) 431-8675 HRSB: (902) 464-2868 EAL classes Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) helps newcomers pursue English (or French – CLIC) as a second language. It is a free program for eligible adult newcomers. You can ask your language assessor for more information on the LINC classes.

Halifax Regional School Board • Adult EAL The offers full-time and part-time language instruction at three locations – Halifax, Bedford and Dartmouth. Telephone: (902) 464-2868 • Teaching Immigrants English (TIE) Program TIE provides English as a second language instruction to newcomers outside metro Halifax.

Telephone: (902) 464-2032 Website: • Interactive Work Skills (IWS) Program This program has computer business labs in Dartmouth and Bedford, and two mobile labs in Bridgewater and Port Hawkesbury. There are more than 100 different software programs for students of all English levels to study independently and at their own pace on a drop-in basis. Telephone: (902) 464-2868 Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia The Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia provides full-time and part-time language instruction at: 6960 Mumford Road, Suite 2120, Halifax Telephone: (902) 423-3607 Email: Website: Valley Community Learning Association English as an additional language classes and tutoring are available in the Valley region. Valley Community Learning Association, Kentville Telephone: (902) 679-5252 Website: EAL tutoring There are also different tutoring programs available for newcomers who want extra help with their English language skills. Halifax Public Libraries English Language Learning for Adults A volunteer-based, one-on-one tutoring program for adults learning English as an additional language.

Programs are delivered at the following libraries: • Alderney Gate Public Library • Halifax Central Library • Halifax North Memorial Public Library • Keshen Goodman Public Library • Woodlawn Public Library • Bedford Public Library Telephone: (902) 490-5990 Workplace and Profession Specific Language Programs Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia, Halifax Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS) offers a range of job specific language programs. The language classes are available in the classroom and on-line.