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* The pro version(KEY) price is change now: $8.99 ->$1.99, Hope you like it* (New price will keep 1 ~ 2 weeks). Pro version(KEY) link: -------------------NEWS START------------------- We have just release a new version called Flash Game Player NEW. Komatsu Pc 200 Owners Manual. New version link: Or you can just see my other application. You will find it. The older version will just still there in case someone really need it, and it will change name to Flash Game Player Classic. Flash Game Player upgraded now. We called it Flash Game Player NEW.
Slipknot Crowz Rapidshare Premium. With high optimized engine, you can play flash almost in full speed. What's new in Flash Game Player NEW: 1. No need to install Adobe Flash Player plugin anymore. Support newest Android OS. High speed Flash Game experiences, base pre-version it's up to 50%.