Playstation 4 Pro
I've read a lot of comments from people who do not even own this device yet. To those people I say get a life. I purchased this about 2 weeks ago and here are my impressions thus far: a. Physically: if you had the original PS4 the size difference is not that much of an issue but if you had the slim model. Its at least 1/2 - 3/4 ' taller and a bit deeper.
Find product information, ratings and reviews for PlayStation 4 Pro 1TB Console online on Coverage for product breakdowns and malfunctions; 24/7 customer support; Free shipping on all repairs with no deductibles or hidden fees; Fully transferable with gifts.

(still smaller than the original xbox one though) b. Cephalometric Tracing Program Free there. Game play: FIRST I DO NOT OWN A 4K TV!!! I'm speaking from a decent 1080P HD TV.
I've tried several different games and modes and I'm comparing to my XBox one in regards to speed. I played Dishonored (definitive edition) on both systems. Game play seems smoother on the PS4 Pro, and screens load A LOT faster.
Visually I cant tell a difference ON THIS GAME mainly because its not optimized for the improved PS4 Pro. Smite: I played on both systems (if you don't know Smite is an online MOBA style game similar to League of Legends) Game play wise both systems play about the same.
Visually video is slightly better on the Pro than Xone. (lines are sharper, color gradation is much better) Rise of the Tomb Raider. I have about an hour or so on both systems but THIS game made me glad I choose to pick up a PS Pro. Even though its a 1080 TV the graphics and frame rate are SOOOOOO much better. Its almost like watching a tv show. Game play is smooth as silk, lines are crisp and sharp, textures and colors Pop and all those little details like snow and rain make this a cut WAY above the other machine. Download Game The Amazing Spiderman 2 Apk Offline.
Possible problems I haven't checked yet: I read that there may be an issue with textures and frame rate dropping (from 60 fps to 55-58fps) in games like Skyrim and The last of us. Naruchigo Vs Pain Full more. I read that its not necessarily a HARDWARE issue so much as a developer issue. IF this is true I believe a patch down the line would correct this issue.