Farreras Rozman Medicina Interna 16 Edicion Pdf
Introduction The Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a virus that affects the host and remains latent. When cellular immunity is suppressed, the virus is reactivated and can cause an asymptomatic or devastating infection in immunosuppressed patients. On the other hand, Histoplasmosis is typically a respiratory condition. However, in immunosuppressed patients, it may be found in unusual locations, as in the case of an intestinal condition. In some cases, this can be fatal. Small intestine CMV location is extremely rare.
Jan 20, 2017 - 4 min - Uploaded by Libros UniversitariosDescargar↯↯↯ Medicina Interna - 18 Edicion - Farreras, Rozman Nueva.
1. Introduction The Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a virus belonging to the herpesviridae family. It can produce several clinical manifestations according to the age and immune condition of the host,. Contagion occurs through the contact with bodily fluids such as blood, saliva, vaginal secretion and semen, among others.
CMV produces an infection and remains latent. It may reactivate itself once cellular immunity is suppressed, causing an asymptomatic or devastating infection in immunosuppressed patients.
CMV is the most common opportunistic pathogenic virus in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS),. On the other hand, histoplasmosis is a fungal disease produced by inhaling particles from the ground that are contaminated with birds’ excrement containing spores of this fungus,,. It is typically a respiratory condition. However, in immunosuppressed patients, it can be found in unusual locations, as in the case of an intestinal condition. In 90% of the cases, histoplasmosis is presented as a mild infection or in an asymptomatic way.
In the remaining 10%, it may be presented as a serious lung disease and, sometimes, it can be fatal. In immunosuppressed patients, it is presented as a scattered serious disease,,. Intel 3945abg Wlan Driver Windows Xp there. Patients with CD4 counts, which are less than 150 cells/μL, are at most risk. Small intestine CMV location is highly infrequent,,,. The association between Histoplasmosis and CMV as a massive gastrointestinal bleeding cause has not been described.
There is no bibliography on the matter. Bozak Cma 10 2dl Manually. We will introduce below the case of a 40-year-old patient with AIDS presenting secondary massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding (MLGB) symptoms and ulcer granulomatous injuries located in the proximal ileum produced by the association of CMV and histoplasmosis. Personal history 40-year-old male patient, with a recent AIDS diagnose (CD4+ 8/mm 3 and a viral load of 39100 RNA copies– HIV/ml), without antiretroviral therapy and with Herpes Zoster and appendectomy history. The subject has no antecedents of intravenous drug consumption, blood transfusions or risky sexual behavior. Dart Calculator Software.
At the moment of the admission, the subject had a chest radiograph with interstitial reticulonodular infiltrates in both lung fields. During the fifth hospitalization day due to an atypical pneumonia, which had started 15 days before with odynophagia, cough, asthenia, night sweats and progressive dyspnea and being able to rest in the last 24 h, the subject presented hematochezia episodes that led to hemodynamic decompensation, requiring hospitalization in the intensive care unit (ICU) for stabilization, evaluation and nursing. The physical examination revealed an afebrile patient, with low blood pressure (40/80 mm Hg) with tachycardia (110 beats per minute) and sweaty. In addition, the patient presented pale mucous membrane and skin and flat non-distended asymmetrical abdomen due to McBurney's surgical incision. The abdomen was soft, depressible, and not painful upon palpation and with no peritoneal signs. He presented hyperactive bowel sounds, increasing in frequency and intensity and preserved dull liver percussion.