Cyber Twin Patch Editor Mw2
There are many reasons to criticise Duke Nukem Forever. The incoherence, the leaden dialogue, the back-tracking, the unconvincing claimed satire of its attitude towards women, the half-baked mini-games, the oppressive linearity and, perhaps most acutely for those who were more prepared to forgive such follies due to their fondness for the character and his earlier games, the strict two-weapon carry limit. I can’t imagine there’s much hope of DNF’s recharging health being thrown out, but Duke’s arsenal is about to be made a little less puny Two is about to become four, thanks to an impending patch that enabled Dukes to strap more weapons to his back at once. Finally, the big lunk can actually put those ridiculous muscles of his to good use. I can’t see myself ever playing the game again, but I do think this a good move on the dev’s part – genuine repsonse to feedback, and it could well make the oddly rare sections of the game containing out-and-out firefights a little more agreeably over-the-top. That’s happening for all versions of the game, but the PC edition is due for a few platform-specific updates too.
Specifically: Valve Anti-Cheat System (VAC) support Push-to-talk voice chat FOV adjustment “Other fixes and improvements that are still being tested.” I can’t help but notice that ‘introductory screen containing 3000-word apology to every purchaser’ isn’t included on that list. I’m joking, of course. That would be ridiculous. Because at least fourteen purchasers really liked the game, and they’re sure to very calmly say as much below. Patch details via the, by the way. Says: Well the breaking point of me abandoning the game was the fight against some sort of a boss where I was supposed to run around in circles around an ammo box for RPG. It just felt silly, I had this mini-arena where I was meant to kite the boss around but I couldn’t because RPG ammo was running out in five seconds so I had to stay in one spot.
Oh yeah, it’s that boss and area in that picture above. And when you only have five grenades, you tend not to use them just for fun because “you might need them later”. Five seems so little. It should have been at least double digits. Aemony says: Most people merely dislike the game simply because it isn’t any good. All this “hate” you speak of is merely what the dislike is interpreted as by the “likers” whom believes everything is divided in either black or white, with no gray inbetween. Seriously, almost no modern game has haters or even real ‘hate’.
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That is merely riddiculously strong words used by those whom likes the game, only to somehow fuel the opposition into something which it is not. Dragon Age 2? Almost no real ‘hate’. Pretty Pretty Princess Sleeping Beauty Edition Instructions Form there.
Disappointment, yes. Feelings of betrayal, yes. Common dislike, yes. Dungeon Siege 3?
Duke Nukem Forever? The Witcher 2? Not even the CoD series have a lot of ‘true’ haters. It’s popular to dislike the CoD series, yes, but most whom does doesn’t really hate the games. Wisq says: Rule of thumb: If I am likely to hate a game, I’m also likely to notice this before I pick it up, and not do so. (Barring some weird exercise in masochism.) And so I remain blissfully unaware of how much I might have hated it. Conversely, I don’t go into these things blind — if I play a game, I may dislike it, but I’m unlikely to hate it.
Now, that’s not to say I can’t hate a particular mechanic in a game, but it doesn’t usually translate into hate for the game. Especially because I can usually do some memory hacking or find a mod/trainer and get around that mechanic. It's not me it's you says: Hate might be a bit of a strong word for my feelings on a video game, but for me (having played the demo, half-watched the first hour or so in a TotalBiscuit video and read several reviews in hope of finding some reason to play this (duke3d was a happy part of my high school years)) it’d have to be the pretty hideous casual misogyny. The gameplay was pretty turgid, but I’ve been known to wade through some pretty crappy mechanics to get to an entertaining story. This game seemed to try its very hardest to turn me off it at every opportunity. The worst thing is that it felt like whoever “wrote” this thing didn’t actually realise how dire it was.