Art Spiegelman Maus Deutsch Pdf Printer

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Art Spiegelman. Co-Mix: A Retrospective of Comics. Graphics and Scraps. Self Portrait with Maus mask, 1989. Courtesy of the Artist. TEACHER'S STUDY GUIDE. During the era of the Holocaust, German authorities also targeted other groups because of. #ArtSpiegelman is a comic #artist, editor, and #PulitzerPrize winner. “Comics echo the way the brain works,” said Spiegelman. His Pulitzer Prize-winning narrative, #Maus, is a depiction of Nazi Germany, inspired by the personal survival story of Spiegelman's parents. He was a staff writer and artist for #TheNewYorker from. MATERNAL LOSS, THE ART OF THE SELF-PORTRAIT, AND ART SPIEGELMAN'S MAUS * EFRAT BLOOM An art work that assumes the form of an autobiography. At the same time, and perhaps against the will of its creator, this trope marks and embodies a narcissistic wound, the result of early ruptures in the artist's.